One of our cats died today. We'd had Flynt for about 5 or 6 years. We got him at the shelter when he was just a kitten. I've had cats since I was just a little boy and I had a gray cat named Flynt when I still lived at home. We liked the name Flynt, so when Kim and I got another gray cat we named him Flynt too. We had him for a long time before he died. My daughter wanted another kitten several years ago so we went to the shelter to look for one. We played with all kinds of kittens that day but Kim just kept holding this one little gray one. My daughter and I wanted a girl or an orange cat. We messed around up there for quite a while and we couldn't decide on one, but Kim was still holding the little gray one. My daughter finally said, "what about the one Mom's holdin'?". So I said , "we might as well get that one and we can have another Flynt."
People that don't have pets probably don't understand how attached we get to them and how much we love them and how much company they are. But people that do have pets understand how sad we feel right now.
He was a great big cat and had the best personality. He always looked like he was smiling, just like the bottom picture. We're gonna miss you Flynt.