We went to a birthday party at the Glen Ferris Inn yesterday and got to see a lot of people we hadn't seen in a while. Our high school principal is the brother-in-law of the birthday gal. I hadn't seen Mr. West for several years but Kim had seen him fairly recently. He was the principal of Boomer Christian Academy for close to 30 years. The guys at the fire station like to give me a hard time about the size of my graduating class. There were 4 in my class, Jimmy Hutchinson, Karen Baker, Neta West (Mr. West's daughter) and me. We were the class of '81. Kim had 5 in her class, Kim, Manon Shumate, Ginger Long, Stanton Black and Suzanne Epling. Class of '82.
Something looks different about him, not sure what it is. Maybe the mustache wasnt there before. It's interesting that every BCA graduate alive could fit into the Glen Ferris Inn Dining Room at the same time and still have room for the regular patrons, haha.
Yeah, the mustache is new since I've seen him last.
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